As in most Japanese martial arts, Kata form the basis for the teaching of all the techniques we learn. Because the kata are choreographed and performed in an ordered manner, the aikidoka can practice the techniques in a environment that is considered to be safer than in that of Randori.
Professor Tomiki recognized the importance of incorporating kata into aikido training, not only as a balance to the competitive randori but also as a reminder to where the roots of aikido lie. Many of the techniques included in these kata date back hundreds of years to when, as a life saving necessity, they would have been practiced for combat on the battlefield.
Tomiki, with the aid of close friend Ohba sensei, formulated the koryu or traditional kata that we still practice today and although relatively modern kata have been added since, it is the koryu kata that keep the budo spirit alive today.
Listed below are the kata that are practiced in Shodokan aikido.
The Randori no kata, or Junanahon, is comprised of the basic seventeen techniques of tomiki aikido. It is generally the first kata taught to students in this style of aikido.
The first five techniques fall under the heading " Atemi waza ".
1. Shomen-ate
2. Aigamae-ate
3. Gyakugamae-ate
4. Gedan-ate
5. Ushiro-ate
The next five techniques are classed as " Hiji waza " and are all focused against ukes elbow joint.
6. Oshi-taoshi
7. Ude-gaeshi
8. Hiki-taoshi
9. Ude-garami
10. Waki-gatame
The following four techniques are against uke's wrist and are called " Kote waza" also called " Tekubi waza".
11. Kote-hineri
12. Kote-gaeshi
13. Tenkai-kote-hineri
14. Shiho-nage
The final three techniques are known as " Uke waza " or floating techniques.
15. Mae-otoshi
16. Sumi-otoshi
17. Hiki-otoshi
This kata comprises of ten techniques that are counters to the Randori no kata.The first technique is the attack or defense that uke makes and the second second technique is the counter that tori executes.
1. Shomen-ate / waki-gatame
2. Aigamae-ate / Oshi-taoshi
3. Gyakugamae-ate / Gedan-ate
4. Gedan-ate / Gyakugamae-ate
5. Ushiro-ate / Tenkai-kote-hineri
6. Oshi-taoshi / Oshi-taoshi
7. Hiki-taoshi / Tenkai-kote-hineri
8. Kote-gaeshi / Kote-gaeshi
9. Tenkai-kote-hineri / Waki-gatame
10. Shiho-nage / Shiho-nage
Go hon no kuzushi consists of the five primary balance breaking techniques of the Randori no kata. Only kuzushi is taken during this kata and no nage is performed.
1. Oshi-taoshi
2. Hiki-taoshi
3. Waki-gatame
4. Shiho-nage
5. Sumi-otoshi
This kata contains the seven balance breaking techniques.
1. Jodan-aigamae
2. Jodan-gyakugamae
3. Chudan-aigamae
4. Chudan-gyakugamae
5. Gedan-aigamae
6. Gedan-gyakugamae
7. Ushiro-ryote-mochi
The first five techniques of this kata are performed as suwari waza with both tori and uke in the kneeling position facing each other.
1. Oshi-Taoshi
2. Tentai-oshi-taoshi
3. Tekubi-osae
4. Ryote-mochi-sumi-otoshi
5. Ryote-mochi-kokyu-nage
The remaining nineteen techniques are performed tachi waza.
6. Katate-mochi-oshi-taoshi
7. Tentai-oshi-taoshi
8. Ryote-mochi-tentai-kote-hineri
9. Tekubi-jime-oshi-taoshi
10. Ushiro-waza-kote-gaeshi (no.1)
11. Ushiro-waza-kote-gaeshi (no.2)
12. Ushiro-waza-mae-otoshi
13. Kata-mochi-shiho-nage
14. Kata-mochi-hiji-nage
15. Kata-mochi-senkui-nage
16. Kata-mochi-tenkai-shiho-nage
17. Katate-mochi-irimi-nage (no.1)
18. Katate-mochi-irimi-nage (no.2)
19. Ryote-mochi-tenchi-nage
20. Ryote-mochi-tekubi-kime
21. Ryote-mochi-sukashi-nage
22. Ryote-mochi-shiho-nage
23. Ryote-mochi-senkai-nage
24. Ushiro-ryote-mochi-mae-nage
This kata consists of sixteen techniques, all performed tachi waza
1. Katate-mochi-kata-gatame
2. Ryote-mochi-gyakugamae-ate
3. Ryote-mochi-irimi-nage
4. Ushiro-waza-ryote-mochi-kote-gaeshi
5. Juji-garami-nage
6. Ushiro-waza-gyakugamae-ate
7. Ushiro-waza-oshi-taoshi
8. Ushiro-waza-tenkai-kote-hineri
9. Ushiro-waza-kote-gaeshi
10. Ushiro-waza-oshi-taoshi-nage
11. Ushiro-waza-juji-garami
For the next five techniques uke uses tegatana and strikes yokomen to tori's temple
12. Yokomen-uchi-uke-otoshi
13. Yokomen-uchi-kokyu-nage
14. Yokomen-uchi-shomen-ate
15. Yokomen-uchi-sukashi-nage
16. Yokomen-uchi-hiki-otoshi
Also known as Goshin no kata, this the largest with a total of 50 techniques and possibly the most dynamic in terms of techniques contained. The kata begins in suwari waza with both tori and uke in the kneeling position facing each other.
1. Oshi-taoshi
2. Gyakugamae-ate
3. Kote-gaeshi
4. Ryote-mochi-sukui-nage
5. Tenkai-kote-hineri
6. Shiho-nage
7. Gedan-ate
8. Hiji-kime
The next section of the kata is performed tachi-waza and immediately follows on from the first section. As uke performs ukemi from hiji-kime, tori turns to face uke and rises from suwari-waza.
9. Kote-mawashi
10. Uchi-tenkai-nage
11. Gyakugamae-ate
12. Hiji-kime
13. Mae-otoshi
14. Ushiro-waza-mae-otoshi
15. Ushiro-waza-tenkai-kote-hineri
16. Mune-dori-kata-gatame
The next section of this kata is the first to include defence against tanto dori.
17. Ushiro-ate
18. Gyakugamae-ate
19. Tentai-oshi-taoshi
20. Ushiro-ate
21. Ude-gatame
22. Kote-gaeshi
23. Tenkai-kote-hineri
24. Shomen-giri-gedan-ate
The following five techniques are tachi dori with tori defending against sword attack.
25. Mae-otoshi
26. Shiho-nage
27. Aigamae-ate
28. Oshi-taoshi
29. Hiji-kujiki
Next is " Jo no bu " which is the first part of jo dori with five techniques defending against jo.
30. Gyakugamae-ate
31. Shomen-ate
32. Hishigi
33. Renraku-waza-hiji-hishigi
34. Irimi-mae-otoshi
Tori keeps the jo for " Jo no tsukai ", the next eight techniques that follow on without pause from " Jo no bu ".
35. Migi-sumi-otoshi
36. Migi-sumi-gori-hidari-sumi-otoshi
37. Tekubi-kime (gori)-shomen-tsuki
38. Mae-otoshi
39. Shiho-nage
40. Shiho-nage-gyaku-kaiten-nage
41. Ude-kujiki
42. Kokyu-nage
" Tachi tai tachi " is the final part of the kata and has both uke and tori armed with sword.
43. Ai-uchi-men
44. Hidari-men
45. Migi-men
46. Tsuki
47. Do
48. Kote-nuki-kote
49. Kaeshi-men
50. Hasso-waki-gamae
This kata contains 25 techniques in total and starts with the Shichihon no kuzushi
1. Jodan-aigamae
2. Jodan-gyakugamae
3. Chudan-aigamae
4. Chudan-gyakugamae
5. Gedan-aigamae
6. Gedan-gyakugamae
7. Ushiro-ryote-mochi
8. Counter to No.1
9. Counter to No.2
10. Counter to No.3
11. Counter to No.4
12. Counter to No.5
13. Counter to No.6
14. Counter to No.7
15. Migi-gyaku-gamae-ate
16. Hidari-gyaku-gamae-ate
17. Uchi-kaiten-nage
18. Sukui-nage
19. Ushiro-waza-kote-gaeshi
20. Juji-garami-nage
21. Tentai-oshi-taoshi
22. Tentai-hiji-garami
23. Tentai-sukui-nage
24. Ryote-mochi-uki-otoshi
25. Tenkai-kote-kugiki
Suwari-Waza Kneeling Techniques
1. Oshi-taoshi
2. Tentai-oshi-taoshi 3. Tebubi-osae
4. Tentai-oshi-otoshi 5. Kokyu-nage
6. Kote-gaeshi
7. Sukui-nage
Section B Tachi-Waza Standing Techniques
1. Tenchi-nage
2. Ryote-mochi-sukui-nage 3. Ryote-mochi-sukashi-nage 4. Ryote-mochi-shiho-nage 5. Gyaku-kote-gaeshi
Section C Tachi-Waza Standing Techniques
1. Hidari-gamae-men-uchi-irimi 2. Migi-gamae-men-uchi-irimi 3. Migi-gyaku-gamae-ate
4. Hidari-gyaku-gamae-ate
5. Uchi-kaiten-nage 6. Sukui-nage
Section D Tachi-Waza Standing Techniques
1. Yokomen-uchi-uki-otoshi
2. Yokomen-uchi-kokyu-nage
3. Yokomen-uchi-shomen-ate
4. Yokomen-uchi-sukashi-nage
5. Yokomen-uchi-hiki-otoshi
Suwari-Waza Kneeling Techniques
1. Oshi-taoshi
2. Tentai-oshi-taoshi
3. Hiki-taoshi
4. Tenkai-waki-gatame
5. Ryote-mochi-sumi-otoshi
Section B Tachi-Waza Standing Techniques
1. Hiki-otoshi
2. Mae-otoshi
3. Sukui-nage
4. Mae-otoshi
5. Sukai-koho-nage 6. Tentai-nage
7. Ushiro-tentai-nage
8. Ushiro-otoshi
9. Ushiro-nage-kote-gaeshi 10. Tentai-sukui-nage
Section C Tachi-Waza Standing Techniques
1. Uke-otoshi
2. Jodan-sukui-nage
3. Tentai-mae-otoshi
4. Tentai-saka-otoshi
5. Katate-mochi-irimi-nage 6. Katate-mochi-shiho-nage 7. Katate-mochi-hiji-krujiki
Section D
Standing Techniques against Knife
1. Irimi-nage
2. Tentai-Shiho-nage
3. Tentai-ude-garami 4. Kote-Mawashi
5. Koshi-guruma
Section E
Standing Techniques using Knife
1. Irimi-nage
2. Tentai-gyaku-gamae-ate 3. Kote-mawashi
4. Ryote-mochi-irimi-nage
Section F
Standing Techniques against sword
1. Oshi-taoshi
2. Waki-gatami
3. Hineri-oshi-taoshi-nage 4. Kote-gaeshi
Section G
Jo-no-bu Jo-no-tsukai-kata Standing Techniques using Jo
1. Tentai-ushiro-otoshi 2. Tentai-ashi-bara